04 June 2009

I'm in London!!!

Hey all, I've been in London since this morning. What a great city! I love to ask for directions, because the men will correct my pronunciation and they say, Okay, love....Sweet!!
I'm in Foyle's book shop, and have been through several on Charing Cross Road. Lovely, floor to ceiling books, with the rich aroma of old books! Shelves taller than ours in Alberton, I'll post pictures later. Please write, this is the only way I know just yet to contact you.


  1. YAY!!!
    You made it!!!
    I'll send everyone your link so they can get in touch with you!!!
    Post pictures soon!!
    All is well here!!

    Georgia keeps asking if she can fly in the airplane... :oD
    Love you lots!!

  2. I'm happy you are on your journey and enjoying. Love always, Lynda

  3. Good going! Will keep an eye out for exciting stuff on your blog! Sent out some invitations to others to follow you. Love you!

    Brother Ken!

  4. Praise the LORD! Have as much fun as you can in as short a time as you can! Browse as many book shops as you can! You will travel as keenly as Dad did, learning all the way. We are all praying for safety and blessings along the way.
    LOL (Lots of Love),
    Kimberlee and clan

  5. Way to go mom! Its a relief having a link to you. Where did you find accomodations? Dont forget your new e-mail address at hotmail.com It will be another easy way for you to talk to us. Things are good here, we've really un-settled all the dust around here while cleaning. It looks great in here! My e-mail address is rf136647@grizmail.umt.edu
    We love you a ton but cant claim to miss you after a mere 36 hours at the store!

    Looking forward to your updates!


  6. It sounds awesome over there mom. I am glad to hear that you are having such a good time already. It is a relief having this link to you keeping us updated. You should see how much better it already looks here in the house. Keep having a great time, and i look forward to reading your updates.

    Love you, Sam.

  7. hey cuz,

    YOU ARE SO FERCEEEEEEEEEE! Am so excited for you. Of course the first thing you would do is inquire whereabouts from an Englishman....love their accent! And the second thing would be find a book store. RIGHT ON SISTA! YOU GO GIRL!
    Now got to get back to making 30 lbs of potatoe salad....Pumehana's second (Leigh Boy) grads tomorrow.....we are having a HUGH party here at the house.
    Will ask Ray and Jen to give me ur hotmail account. Hope u set up skype soon so we can chat. Love you and am so soooooooooo proud of you cuz Donna

  8. am using Pumehana's gmail acct....that's why is says posted from Pume....but it's from cuz, Donna
