08 June 2009

I'm lost in cyberspace in Rostock Germany

Can only say that I don't have time to post but a note, bad Internet connections, will post soon.


  1. You are our "sit-on-the-edge-of-your-seat" soap opera. We shall name you soap "Tags unseres Lebens" (Days of our Lives) We all can't wait for the next events. You write w/such keen observations....it's like being by your side. Kudos to Jeanette....we all love her, too! Can't wait for your mtg w/Mr. Z. Bet he will be as "full mind" as my daddy (Uncle Don) was at 81. And he works 4 days a week. We all want to know where and what he does? And to think he has a letter from your Father. This is certainly "TAGS UNSERES LEBENS" This is such a blessing both Jeanette and Mr. Z and wife. They shall give to that addeed strength and encourage to know you will continue and find even more blessings! You go girls! We love ya,
    cuz Donna

  2. Bad internet connections, poor me, I guess I have to recline in my room in the middle of Germany, on my way to another exciting place! What fun! Pick up a small phrase book so you don't get stuck in the station and a compass. You are our Annie Oakley from Montana! Days of Our Lives! We are all watching!

    Lots of love,

    Kimberlee and all

  3. Have to agree with Kim, let's see, be stuck in a country far away with poor Internet connections or be back stateside dealing with snow, some toranados, unreal and neat lightning storms here on the east coast this morning (tried to photo them but nothing of quality, shutter finger isn't as fast as the strikes...) I think you'll figure out the better choice! You are so very blessed! Lot's of people following you now and I am sure others that are lurking in the background just reading as you live the tripof a lifetime in so many ways, making a connection with Dad for all of us that is so inspiring. God Bless you and know that you are continually lifted in prayer at all times of the day and night!

